US startup unveils battery that could last up to 28,000 years

US startup unveils battery that could last up to 28,000 years
Ian Stalker
 -  3 min read
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Well it looks like batteries are the new power source or at least for the foreseeable future. To be honest I am not sure the reasoning was so solid and the ‘total’ carbon footprint of an electric car will likely be debated for a generation but we are here, this is the new norm and it has got to be better than diesel fumes, yes?
Don't current batteries have some flaws?
When we look at batteries in cars range anxiety apart the battery temperature also makes a difference to its performance. We cannot do the same distance in the freezing cold as we can in the middle of summer. What about the hazard all the charging wires make as they lie draped across the pavement?
Then there are other issues, most accidents in cars will be minor but have an accident which ruptures the battery cells and, hopefully this never happens to you, if a fire starts over 100 organic chemicals are generated, including some incredibly toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide – both of which are fatal to humans. The typical fire engine in the middle of a night under extreme pressure possibly with other 'petrol' vehicles involved need to use all of their training before they start using their hoses on your vehicle as they well know electric fires have a totally different set of rules, they are not going to start high pressure water jets onto a ruptured 'high voltage' fuel cell. See how Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service answered the question when asked what preperation they had taken to assess the risk here.
What if that fateful night was a torrential downpour? Answers on a postcard please.
During 2020 the fire services have dealt with 1,021 petrol and diesel fires and just 27 electric vehicle fires so they are still rare but we are not in the electric age yet, these numbers will increase sadly. 
All these issues aside we need to look at the battery revolution with positive eyes, there are issues with hydrogen cells in vehicles, there is obviously a risk of petrol in any accident so we understand all technologies carry risk.
A new startup in California are talking about batteries lasting 28,000 years! Now thats a life expectancy in anyones book.
Listening to a professor talking about the new technology he said (paraphrased), totally dead pan, ‘so 28,000 years is quite good for a life expectancy, obviously a lot in human terms but not really in the overall concept of time!’ Well the technology he was talking about was nano-diamond batteries coming from radioactive isotopes, did I hear you just spill your coffee? Yes, nuclear batteries, these are certainly exciting times, batteries as we knew them are not going be the batteries of the future, range anxiety, really, try 1 million miles between charges and minutes to recharge! I want one.
These technologies are in their infancy, 1.8 volts currently, but remember Sir Clive Sinclair with his Sinclair ZX80 the UK's first mass-market home computer for less than £100, the rest as they say is ‘history’. The future is fast becoming the present and with it sustainable power sources which will literally blow your mind, lets just hope it does it in a safe and sustainable fashion.
Sadly at FOSH we cannot say our bottles will last 28,000 years, we cannot say they keep liquids hot for 28,000 years nor will they keep their shine for anywhere near 28,000 years, what we can say is for the short (relative) amount of time you will own one you will be pleased you bought it! 
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This article is for guidance and is not 100% factual.

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