Links to the onset of cancer through microplastics in the air!

Could it be what we have all taken for granted for all of our lives has the potential to kill us?
As dramatic as that sounds we all know we breath the same air as the Dinosaurs did and as has every living land creature since so it sort of is a big deal.
If you want to see these microplastics I am afraid you can't, not with the naked eye anyway but just remember when you have been in a room where the sun is belting through the windows, take off your jumper and watch the mass of tiny particles swoosh in the air, these are massive in comparison but you get the idea, terrifying as we have no way of avoiding this plague.
Recently we learn traces of microplastics have been found in brains by scientists and with the emerging evidence that plastic is in some way linked to the onset of cancer if ever we needed a wake up call now IS the time!
It has been suggested our cells take up the plastic particles and they stay in the cell even on division, these are indeed worrying signs if it is true that microplastics and cancer are linked without doubt.
Yet with all of this mounting evidence we, society, you, me, all of us appear powerless to resist the overwhelming push by global giants to produce yet more and more, even though it may be argued we are literarily drowning in the stuff!
What will it take for us to wake up and smell the coffee? Talking of which we do a lot of smelling coffee and sadly mostly in single use plastic throwaway cups, the UK alone uses 7 million a day allegedly, even if this figure is out it is far past the point of no return. Why are we letting this happen?
Strange as in the papers today I read about the legal battle for the Murdoch empire, a reported 79 lawyers were at the court discussing, well we don't know exactly but we can guess yet this is irrelevant to the disaster plastic will bring on us all but who is fighting in our corner?
It's down to us, as is life at the end of the day to use our minds, stop using these throwaway cups as you know they don't end up where we want, buy a reusable cup from a good supplier and you can start to change the habits of your minute part of the world.
Everyone who carries a plastic bottle of water (single use) should be ashamed of themselves, there is no need in todays world for this kind of wastage, it is selfish and shows a blatant disregard for the planet.
The opposite is also true in a world where we seem to struggle with our self worth carrying a reusable water bottle tells everyone something about you, it says you care, it says you are a person who thinks perhaps more than most, it says you are aware of your environment, basically it leads by example.
The clues are all around us, here are just a few salient points:
Plastic waste is a massive factor in marine pollution: Plastic is the main component of marine litter, making up at least 85% of it. Once the plastic is free to roam as it wishes eventually a large amount finds its home in the Ocean.
As we state Plastic is largely responsible for marine pollution but it also harms sea life: Plastic can choke marine wildlife and can be ingested by marine species where they may mistake it for food.
Plastic is not only harmful to the Sea's it harms Humans as well: Plastic can impact human health through the food chain.
Plastic doesn't give up easy taking up to 1,000 years to break down.
Plastics are booming: Global plastic production was about two million tons in the 1950s, but was around 450 million tons in 2020.
Plastic recycling is a joke: Reports show only 15% of plastic is collected for recycling, and less than 9% of that is actually recycled.
You call the shots as we collectively simply are not doing it, go out today and buy a good water bottle, use it every day and smile as you do. Treat your friend to a new bottle, they will thank you for it. Come Christmas put sustainability on Santas list, FOSH make not only great water bottles they are very affordable and with the high end look of the range will be really appreciated as a gift.
Strangely together we cannot change the world it seems, maybe one by one we can start the eco revolution?
Here at FOSH we make sustainability cool