Recycling is not enough

Recycling is not enough
Ian Stalker
 -  1 min read
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We can keep banging the drum on recycling but the real truth is the UK recycling rate for Waste from Households (WfH; including Incinerator Bottom Ash metal (IBAm)) is less than half of the plastic waste created.
Whichever way we look at it unless something pretty dramatic changes and there is a fat chance that's going to happen this figure simply is not going to do the job. Just look at the plastic waste everywhere you go and it is not hard to see we are losing the fight.
Sadly the future looks even more bleak with the UN stating recently plastic pollution is set to double by 2030! That is a worrying 9 years at best.
Recently I heard that recycling operations simply cannot handle all the materials they receive, the clear financials of the problem seem to be stark with some recycled plastic having a value under £100 per ton it makes the process difficult if not impossible to make a profit.
The answer? We simply must reduce the volume of single use plastics at source.
One good way to stop buying single use plastic is to have a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day, not only are you helping the planet but it is a great way to stay hydrated throughout the day.
Come and see us at foshbottle and make the change
Things have a way of sorting themselves out however there are occasions we need to give it a helping hand, this I fear is one of those times.
Already have a reusable water bottle? Make it a gift for a friend, they won't be disappointed if it is a good one like FOSH.

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