FOSH and Ferrari surely they are no where near similar, are they? Read on...

Of course not, Ferrari has significant cultural impact and influence on society, can this be said of FOSH? It is impossible to suggest Ferrari has anything in common with a simple water bottle company ... or is it?

Ferrari are creators of effectively "modes of transport" yet we all know they are so much more than that, actually I wonder if they would describe themselves as artists more than manufacturers.
FOSH are, in essence, a maker of reusable water bottles but they are so much more than that, the devil is in the detail as they say and never more true than a humble water bottle. Take the steel choice, now you can get a water bottle in "brushed stainless steel" but did you know there multiple grades we the manufacturers can apply, each one costing more to us of course but if you are building the Ferrari of water bottles then sometimes cost has to play second fiddle does it not.
The thickness of steel plays a part, the insulation, vacuum, finish materials all puts an influence on the bottom line. If we are making a low cost water bottle we certainly would not use the same materials as a high end bottle, interestingly our coating costs us twice as much as we could buy a coating for but it is worth it as it does not scratch anywhere near like a paint would, you get what you pay for as the old saying goes. Then there is design, oh design, an absolute money pit for a manufacturer. Our lids were horrendously expensive to create but that is all part of the design, would we be FOSH without our all steel lid with it's ultimate beauty? I think not.

Heh, it is only a plastic bottle of water we are trying to stop! Get over yourself why don't you, this is no Ferrari? Well yes, it is "only a plastic bottle of water" but that plastic bottle is nowhere near the end of the story.
Let us talk plastic water bottles just for a moment, ask yourself this, "how many bottles of water do you think you use on average a year?" Any idea? More than Ferrari's eh!
Well I don't know the specific answer for you personally, obviously, but I do know Londoners use on average 3.37 plastic bottles of water every week, stop it, a whopping 175 every year! Now that is more than average but UK statistics indicate:
It is estimated we all buy 117 bottles of water every year in the UK.
Now do the maths, we are using ONCE ONLY water bottles on average 2.25 times every week, there are over 63 million of us in the UK meaning over 140 million single use plastic bottles being used EVERY WEEK just in the United Kingdom alone! ... and it all starts from your single bottle of water bought probably without the slightest thought for the environment, and to be fair they are not exactly going to put these stats all over the bottle are they!!
Another question, do you know where the bottle goes after its 15 minutes of fame / use?

A typical place for a Ferrari may well be running along some South of France promenade overlooking the self same sea this bottle found itself in, not all of the wasted plastic water bottles will have the same fate but some do end up in the same location, albeit not quite as shiny I expect as your Ferrari! Their journey to the beach tends to start in our rivers, these plastic horrors gave you 15 minutes of convenience and now they are going to keep on giving but not quite how we would like! You see a lot of bottles discarded out of car windows after use, I am sure Ferrari owners would be well above this despicable habit but the very beach they are driving alongside may well have numerous old bottles to spoil the view discarded from cars some years previous.
Now I know why we buy Ferrari's even at the tremendous cost but why exactly are we buying expensive, crackly sweating bottles of water so often? What do you think is the biggest reason anybody? I forgot my bottle has to be fairly high up, how about convenience we have already touched on, are we still bare faced enough to admit that one? Maybe you are at a shop and just thirsty? Maybe you just never thought about it but you should.
Ah, lighten up for goodness sake, like every good story the plastic water bottle needs a hero and we have one, meet FOSH, truthfully there are loads of hero's but FOSH fit the bill quite well, they are a designer of superb water bottles which happen to be a company!

The reusable water bottle market has moved on, in todays fashion conscious world they are an important part of looking good as, lets be honest, with a plastic water bottle you are absolutely not cool even if you have a supercar! The latest ranges of reusable bottles are a part of your outfit nowerdays, get a good one and you will be at the cool end of life, like what I did there? And these bottles need not break the bank. Yes some brands know how to charge, just avoid them, I certainly would, click the link for a FOSH reusable water bottle in stainless steel with a decent powder coat on in a good colour, easy drinking lid for £14 currently (see below) see:

Now it wont necessarily make you look as good as our model but it will make you feel as good! At FOSH we make reusable water bottles of course but we do far more than that, do Ferrari just make cars or do they make something much more? My point made.

So the boring bit about FOSH, yes we contribute to cleaning our oceans and yes buying from us makes a small difference to the amount of plastic water bottles that get used and I guess we are trying to make the best bottles we can for financial return, all true, but then again so are Ferrari!

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