Excuse me but are you drinking enough?

Difficult isn't it? How much did I drink yesterday, was it enough? Probably the only way I know is when I don't drink enough and I feel thirsty or slightly lightheaded. Perhaps I notice when I pass urine it is darker than usual, possibly I even think I have not been to the toilet at all today! These are the signs when it is too late, at this stage you are probably dehydrated to some extent.
Some of the common symptoms of dehydration according to the NHS inform website are as follows:
- feeling thirsty and lightheaded.
- a dry mouth.
- tiredness.
- having dark coloured, strong-smelling urine.
- passing urine less often than usual.
For me I want to be proactive not reactive on hydration, I hate knowing I have just let water slip too long, and yes coffee substitutes for liquid by the very fact it has liquid in it but it is also a diuretic (makes you pass urine) although it should not effect you terribly may well be counter productive to holding water in the body.
So how can we all easily follow good guidelines, indeed what are 'good guidelines' when there at home?
Well, according to the NHS here is what they had to say on the matter on 4th April 2023
"It's easy to overlook, but choosing healthier drinks is a key part of getting a balanced diet.
Many soft drinks, including instant powdered drinks and hot chocolate, are high in sugar.
Food and drinks that are high in sugar are often high in calories, and having too many calories can make you more likely to gain weight.
Some energy drinks are high in both sugar and caffeine. Checking the nutrition labels on soft drinks such as fruit juices and fizzy drinks can help you make healthier choices.
The Eatwell Guide says we should drink 6 to 8 cups or glasses of fluid a day. Water, lower-fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee, all count."
There is an easy way here, and it includes one of our lowest priced water bottles, the Active 2.0 which holds 670ml, drink 2 bottles every day and your done, in other words 6 x200ml glasses of water or 1.2 ltrs of water per day which is the stated amount you should be drinking you will have drank, easy as! In fact you will have drank 10% over the guidelines, now that is a win!

With our super easy flip open flip closed lid sipping is a cinch! Truth be told you will drink more water than you think when you own your own water bottle and the best part? It is totally free to use it! No more paying for bottled water to save being caught out, what are you waiting for? Get it done and say yes to good hydration ... you can thank me later!